Hailing from the vibrant city of Vancouver, Graham’s journey into the world of acting began in a rather unique way. Legend has it that he emerged from the waters off the coast of Vancouver, catching the attention of the Coast Guard back in 1989. Since then, he has been making waves in the industry with his exceptional talent and charisma.
Although Graham spent the following years immersed in video games and attempting to impress others with his Disney trivia prowess, his dedication and perseverance paid off. Landing roles in the game Dragalia Lost marked a turning point in his career, officially establishing him as a passionate voice actor. But Graham’s achievements don’t stop there! His most notable triumph to date is taking over the iconic voice of Bodi in the beloved Rock Dog film series, succeeding none other than Luke Wilson himself.
When he’s not enchanting audiences with his voice acting skills, Graham spends his days crafting small indie games that may be underappreciated but still hold a special charm. And of course, he continues to delve deeper into the magical world of Disney trivia, mastering every intricate detail. Prepare to be mesmerized by Graham Hamilton’s exceptional talent, as he continues to leave his mark on the entertainment industry and bring characters to life with his remarkable voice.