Posted by: Anirevo Staff | July 15, 2016
2016 Guests
In early 2007 a small group of cosplayers in the Vancouver area came together through a series of amazing coincidences and something just clicked. We all love cosplay, for different reasons – some of us like to make, some of us like to wear, some of us like to take photos… whatever the reason, we were struck by the same thought:
“Cosplay should be taken seriously,
but never forgetting that the main
thing is to have fun. “
Fighting Dreamers is the brainchild of twin_fools and kolibri, a way to organize and group together this great set of friends, and this web site is here to showcase what we have to offer to the cosplaying community. We believe in sharing information and skills, and we hate elitists snobs who want to limit the creativity and free spirit of cosplayers everywhere.
We’re in for a ride, and we hope you’ll join us.
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