LeeAnna Vamp, Actress/Model/Cosplayer/Host, is the “Ghoul Of Your Dreams” and host of I Love Nerd Girls and Fiends Forever. She is a high fashion model that mixes it up with a very bold unique look and style, and is pursuing her acting career.
LeeAnna gave us an exclusive interview at Anime Revolution 2012.
LV: I’m LeeAnna Vamp here with Hype Life Films and we’re at Anime Revolution 2012.
AR: Hey LeeAnna.
LV: Hi, how are you?
AR: Doing good. You’re pretty tall there.
LV: I know, I got some high shoes on. I don’t know if you could see those here. There we go.
AR: Well that’s cool. I don’t have a problem with that.
AR: Have you been to Vancouver before?
LV: I have not. This is my first time to Vancouver. I’ve been to Canada a couple of years back, but it was Toronto; so East coast. I love it here though; it’s gorgeous.
AR: It’s different here though.
LV: It is but stepping off the plane, the airport itself was amazing. Beautiful airport. I mean everything, the scenery, the nature, I love it. You guys are lucky!
AR: I know we are. I wish everyone else did. I’m sure some of us do but…
LV: Yea and it’s not hot like it is where we are (California). It’s good temperature here.
AR: Well here we are at Anime Revolution. Tell us how you got involved in this sort of scene: the anime cons and just the cosplay culture.
LV: I actually have a show, it’s called “I Love Nerd Girls”, and we travel the country, obviously Canada as well as the states, and we cover conventions: anime conventions and comic conventions. We get video coverage, photos, and do interviews, kind of like what we’re doing right now.
AR: For Anime Revolution here, day 3’s kind of coming to an end. I think you’ve been here all 3 days? So you did the whole Friday, Saturday, Sunday. What did you really notice or enjoyed about this convention?
LV: I have, yes. I can’t say it enough but everyone here has been fantastic: the staff, the guests, the fans. Everyone is just so nice. Everyone is so pleasant, so nice, and all the events have been fantastic. There’s always something going on, and everything’s been really good. The rave last night was awesome, just going to point that out.
AR: Yea! The whole dance and rave involved in this whole 3 day convention.
LV: Yea! It was great!
AR: Actually, I totally forgot to ask about your outfit and how you cosplay, kind of like your style. I noticed that you got fangs, you got contacts. Tell us a bit about your inspirations, what you do for your costumes.
LV: I really just find things that I enjoy you know. I grew up playing super Mario brothers so everyone asks “why aren’t you the girl?” and I’m like well Princess Peach is awesome but Mario is like cooler, he’s smart. I also do a Chewbacca and it’s my Chewbacca bikini, so it’s like my furry bikini, Chewbacca style. So yea, I just find things that I really enjoy like Star Wars so I go with what I like.
AR: Star Wars? Nice! It’s funny you mentioned Star Wars because I love Star Wars too.
LV: High five!
AR: You can’t go wrong with Star Wars.
AR: If next year Anime Revolution happened. Just 2 questions about what that would look like If you were to say give us some feedback. What would you like to see in order to help grow the scene here, to make it better, anything like that?
LV: I just want to see it grow and we’re going to do our best with I Love Nerd Girls to spread the word and let people know about it. You guys are new and we’re all about helping the cause and I would love to come back. The people that we can find, introduce Anime Revolutions to, the better. It’s going to be good. It’s been so great for the first year, it’s only going to get better from now.
AR: Great! That was actually my second question. I just want know if you’d come back.
LV: I could read your mind.
AR: That was good, that was great. I’m really glad to see like how much support everyone has for this sort of thing. It’s really amazing and it’s not common and I think that’s really one of the great things about this culture. Everyone here just kind of loves it and wants to put in effort like yourself.
LV: Yes.
AR: So thank you LeeAnna!
LV: Thank you very much! Hugs!
AR: Well that’s it. We’re at Anime Revolution 2012 with LeeAnna Vamp!
LV: Like my eyes……
Websites: LeeAnnaVamp.com & ILoveNerdGirls.com
Interview and video production done by Hype Life Films.